Welcome toLas Vegas Center for Vision Therapy

We are an optometric practice dedicated to diagnosing and treating vision problems that interfere with reading, learning, and activities of daily living. Dr. Kareen Yeung Landerville and her staff provide optometric vision therapy to help patients use their vision across a range of different circumstances. We focus on both children and adults, using performance lenses and visual training as a way to improve the use of his or her vision.
The Las Vegas Center for Vision Therapy provides:
Developmental and Functional Vision Evaluations for all ages - while we specialize in working with children, adults often have similar vision problems, and we are happy to help. There is no age limit.
Treatment of Learning-Related Vision Problems - 17 visual skills are required for reading & learning. Problems with any of these skills can often be mistaken as learning disabilities, dyslexia or attention problems.
Treatment for Binocular Vision Dysfunctions or Disorders
- Amblyopia & Strabismus
(Also known as Lazy Eye, Crossed Eyes, or Wandering Eye) - Near Vision Disorder (Convergence Insufficiency, Binocular Vision Dysfunction or BVD)
- Double Vision (Diplopia)
Sports Vision Training - Our visual skills play a vital role in our ability to play sports. Vision therapy can help to improve your sports vision skills. Learn more here.
Visual Rehabilitation for Patients with Special Needs
Children with Special Needs have the same vision problems as neuro-typical children. Vision problems in these patients are often overlooked.
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Developmental Delays
- Cerebral Palsy
- Multiple Sclerosis
- and Sensory Integration Disorders
- Concussions
- Head Trauma
- and Stroke